Numbers that, when multiplied together, may be used to make another number are referred to as factors. In this particular instance, we will be determining the variables that make up the number 38. The process of finding the largest common factor, simplifying fractions, and solving equations are all examples of the kind of mathematical procedures that may benefit from using factors. In this tutorial, we will investigate the various strategies for finding the variables that equal 38.
In order to determine which numbers may be multiplied together to get 38, which are known as the number’s factors, we must first determine all of the numbers that can be multiplied. The first thing that we do is take 38 and divide it by the lowest feasible factor, which is 1. Given that any integer, when divided by 1, yields the original number, we may instantly deduce that 38 is a factor of 38. After that, we may go to the following step, which is to divide 38 by 2, which is the next lowest factor. When we divide 38 by 2, we get 19. It is obvious that two is not a factor of the number 38 since 19 is not a full number.
We will proceed with the process of factoring the number 38 by continuing to divide it by increasingly big numbers until we have found all of its factors. We obtain 12 when we divide 38 by 3, leaving a residue of 2 after the division. Since 2 is not equal to zero, we may deduce that 3 is not a factor of the number 38. Likewise, dividing 38 by 4 results in 9 with a leftover of 2, proving that 4 is not a factor of the number 38.
Moving on to the number 5, we can see that 5 is a factor of 38 since 5 multiplied by 7 yields 35, which is less than 38. This indicates that 5 is a factor of 38. After that, we may proceed to dividing 38 by 6, but we discover that 6 is not a factor of 38. This concludes our investigation. After doing these steps for the number 7, we discover that number 7 is likewise a factor of 38. This is because the product of 7 times 5 is 35.
We have at this point discovered all of the components that make up 38. The numbers involved are 1, 2, 19, and 38. By multiplying these numbers in pairs and making sure that the product is 38, we can demonstrate that they are, in fact, factors of the number 38. For example, 2 times 19 = 38. This demonstrates that both 2 and 19 are factors in the total number 38.
In conclusion, in order to determine the factors of 38, we divide 38 by numbers that are progressively greater than itself until we have found all the numbers that, when multiplied together, give us the number 38. 1, 2, 19, and 38 are the factors of the number 38.
see also
Discovering the Factors of 160: A Comprehensive Explanation
How to Divide 400 by 30: A Step-by-Step Guide