Converting 7/5 to a Decimal: A Step-by-Step Guide with Examples

To convert the fraction 7/5 to a decimal, we need to divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (5) using long division or a calculator. Here are the steps to do this manually:


  1. Write the fraction as a division problem: 7 ÷ 5
  2. Place the decimal point in the quotient (the answer to the division problem) above the division symbol.
  3. Add a zero after the decimal point in the quotient.
  4. Divide the first digit of the dividend (7) by the divisor (5) and write the result as the next digit in the quotient.
  5. Multiply the divisor (5) by the digit in the quotient that you just wrote and write the result under the dividend (7).
  6. Subtract the result from step 5 from the first digit of the dividend (7), and write the difference below the line.
  7. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (zero).
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 until you have enough decimal places, or until the remainder is zero.

Using this method, we get:1.4

5 | 7.00 5 —– 2 00 1 25 —– 750 500 — 250 250 — 0

Therefore, 7/5 as a decimal is 1.4. This means that 7 divided by 5 equals 1.4, or that 7 is 1.4 times greater than 5.




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