To convert the fraction 7/5 to a decimal, we need to divide the numerator (7) by the denominator (5) using long division or a calculator. Here are the steps to do this manually:
- Write the fraction as a division problem: 7 ÷ 5
- Place the decimal point in the quotient (the answer to the division problem) above the division symbol.
- Add a zero after the decimal point in the quotient.
- Divide the first digit of the dividend (7) by the divisor (5) and write the result as the next digit in the quotient.
- Multiply the divisor (5) by the digit in the quotient that you just wrote and write the result under the dividend (7).
- Subtract the result from step 5 from the first digit of the dividend (7), and write the difference below the line.
- Bring down the next digit of the dividend (zero).
- Repeat steps 4-7 until you have enough decimal places, or until the remainder is zero.
Using this method, we get:1.4
5 | 7.00 5 —– 2 00 1 25 —– 750 500 — 250 250 — 0
Therefore, 7/5 as a decimal is 1.4. This means that 7 divided by 5 equals 1.4, or that 7 is 1.4 times greater than 5.