The numbers that can be divided into a given number without producing a residual are said to be that number’s factors. In order to discover the components that make up 143, we may begin by dividing 143 by the factor that has the least conceivable value, which is 1. Since 143 can be evenly divided by one, we know that one is a factor in the number 143.
After that, we may proceed to divide 143 by 2, if you like. On the other hand, 143 is an odd number, which means that it cannot be divided by 2. By dividing 143 by 3, 4, 5, and so on, we may continue our search for more potential components.
Since the result of dividing 143 by 3 is 47 with a remaining of 2, we may conclude that 3 is not a factor in 143. As the result of dividing 143 by 4 is 35 with a remaining of 3, we may conclude that 4 is not a factor of the number 143.
Yet, dividing 143 by 11 results in the number 13 with no residue; hence, 11 is a factor of the number 143. Checking to see whether the result of dividing 143 by 13 yields an integer is another way to determine whether or not the number 13, which was obtained by dividing 143 by 11, is a factor of 143. In point of fact, 11 is the only possible leftover after dividing 143 by 13.
After we reach the square root of 143, which is around 11.96, we will no longer need to search for more variables. This is the case due to the fact that any component of 143 that is higher than the square root of 143 must combine with another factor that is less than the square root of 143 in order for the product of these two factors to equal 143.
As a result,
The factors of 143 are the numbers 1, 11, 13, and 143 itself.
In conclusion, in order to discover the factors that divide 143, we first check to see whether it is divisible by integers ranging from 1 all the way up to the square root of 143, and we consider a factor any integer quotient that results in no residual.