The Roman numeral system was developed in ancient Rome. It is still in use today for a variety of reasons, including the numbering of pages, the outlining of chapters, and the indication of years. It is possible that you may have some difficulty while attempting to write the year 1998 using Roman numerals. In this tutorial, we will show you how to write the year 1998 using Roman numerals by walking you through each step.
Then, separate the digits of the number.
When writing any number using Roman numerals, the first thing you need to do is break the number down into its component components. In the year 1998, we have a total of one thousand (M), nine hundred (CM), ninety (XC), and eight (VIII).
The second step is to write down the thousands digit.
The year 1998 begins with the number 1,000. The letter M stands for the number 1,000 when written in Roman numerals. As a result, the letter M will serve as the first component of our Roman number for the year 1998.
Step 3: Write the Digit for the Hundreds Position
The second digit of the year 1998 is the number 9, which is a larger number than 500 and lower than 1,000. To write integers between 500 and 1,000 using Roman numerals, we subtract the value of 500 (D) from the value of 1,000 (M) (M). Consequently, the letter CM is used to symbolize the number 900 when written in Roman numerals.
Step 4: Write the Digit for the Tens Place.
The third digit of the year 1998 is the number 9, which is larger than 50 and lower than 100. To write numbers between 50 and 100 using Roman numerals, we subtract the value of 50 (L) from the value of 100 (C) (C). As a result, the number 90 is written as XC when expressed using Roman numerals.
5. Write the digit for the number one.
The number “8” represents the year 1998 as its fourth and last digit. The number 5 is represented by the letter V in Roman numerals, while the number 1 is represented by the letter I. As a result, the number eight is denoted in Roman numerals by the letter VIII.
Merge the Components as the Sixth Step
Because we now have the individual components for the year 1998 expressed in Roman numerals, we can now combine them to obtain the whole solution. As a result, the year 1998 is denoted by the Roman number MCMXCIII.
To summarize, in order to write the year 1998 using Roman numerals, we must first separate the number 1998 into its component parts, and then we must use the Roman numerals that are most closely associated with those parts. By proceeding in the manner described up top, we are able to arrive at the correct answer of MCMXCIII.